AHSPA – The Parents’ Association

The Abbot’s Hill Parents’ Association (AHSPA) is enthusiastically supported by parents, pupils and staff, raising funds for a variety of school initiatives and charities. Social events organised by AHSPA throughout the year strengthen the whole School community; the annual fireworks, Christmas and summer fairs and Spring Ball are particular calendar highlights.

Each year, AHSPA contributes to school trip costs such as tickets for the Prep School to see a local pantomime. In recent years, AHSPA has organised Christmas cards, tea towels and reinstated Clan Bears. A list can be found below:

– Subsidised panto visits
– Easter Egg Hunt
– Canopy over the infants patio
– Canopy over the junior patio
– Outdoor gym equipment
– Sewing machines
– Table tennis tables
– Junior playground
– Prep playground
– Outdoor Catering Trailer
– Buying raffle prizes for school productions to raise charity funds

Charity support

The Parents’ Association regularly provides raffle prizes for School productions, raising significant funds for our chosen charities. AHSPA’s chosen charity for 2024 – 2025 is SPACE. An award winning Hertfordshire based charity supporting families of children and young people who are neurodivergent (Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Tourette’s and other neurodiverse conditions). The AHSPA Spring Ball in May and the Abbot’s Hill Festival in June raised a substantial amount for the charity.

Supporting local causes is important to the Parents’ Association. In 2020, AHSPA took an active role within the community, organising and contributing to the pandemic response efforts by making and delivering meals to feed frontline workers.

Parent ambassadors

Parents are involved in the life of the school in other ways. Our Parent Ambassadors – a forum of parents, many of whom are working professionals – are actively invited to give their views on School life, plans and initiatives and to support the school at Open Days and events.


Please visit our AHSPA Facebook Page for the latest news and events, and contact Su Pattni, Chair of AHSPA if you are interested in volunteering.