News and Blog

Pupils at Abbot’s Hill hear Holocaust survivor Selma van de Perre’s interview

4th February 2021

Pupils at Abbot’s Hill hear Holocaust survivor Selma van de Perre’s interview in recognition of Holocaust Memorial Day. Selma spoke to Mrs Davison and recounted her experiences as a member of the Dutch resistance – explaining how she was a courier of importance documents including false identification and food stamps to support Jewish people in…

Abbot’s Hill launches a Virtual Bookshelf

2nd February 2021

Bringing the library to our pupils… The library doors remain shut for the time being as remote learning continues.  We have been thinking of innovative ways to bring school to you and are very happy to announce that we are soon to launch the Abbot’s Hill Virtual Bookshelf. The Virtual Bookshelf aims to be a…

Abbot’s Hill Prep launches ‘Club Hubs’

27th January 2021

Now that our brilliant Prep pupils are expertly navigating remote learning we are excited to launch a co-curricular programme; Club Hubs. Available to all pupils from Year 3 and above the Club Hub contains a variety of activities that pupils can take part in each week. Year 3 & 4 Club Hub Art Drama French…

Abbot’s Hill Clans head to the Highlands

27th January 2021

Happy Burns Night! As ever we are very proud to shout about our Scottish roots. Abbot’s Hill was founded in 1912 by sisters Alice, Katrine and Mary Baird. The Scottish origins of the Baird family are reflected in the Black Watch Tartan of our Uniform and in the Clan system.  The Clan system involves the…

Holiday Club booking now open

21st January 2021

We are pleased to announce our holiday club provider, Club Excel, has opened for Easter and Summer 2021. Please see the Club Excel Newsletter. They are offering a 30% discount for early bookings. This club is co-ed and will be open to siblings and friends of Abbot’s Hill pupils as well. Club Excel would like…

Abbot’s Hill supports ‘You Donate… We Deliver’ initiative

18th January 2021

Abbot’s Hill Parents’ Association has organised the collection and distribution of snacks and drinks for paramedics and ambulance staff. The new initiative launched called ‘You Donate… We Deliver’ aims to provide paramedics and ambulance staff with an ‘on the go’ snack as they are so busy at the moment. In 2020, during the first lockdown,…

Year 5 explores diversity through poetry

18th January 2021

In their remote PSHCEE classes, Year 5 girls have been looking at celebrating diversity. Using Benjamin Zephaniah’s poem ‘The British’ for inspiration the class collaborated to write their own version of the poem.   Recipe for 5DBB Serves 20 Take some Picts, Celts and Silures And let them settle Then overrun them with Roman conquerors….

Abbot’s Hill receives prestigious Good Schools Guide review 

18th January 2021

“Teachers, full of enthusiasm for their subjects, deliver pacey lessons, helping each individual pupil achieve their very best. Dedication is not in doubt.” – Good Schools Guide We are delighted to announce that in November 2020, Abbot’s Hill School was reviewed by the Good Schools Guide which is renowned for its impartial, unbiased reviews of…

Abbot’s Hill pupils learn to cook with WWII rations

15th January 2021

Year 6 have been learning about rationing during WWII in their history lessons. Have you ever cooked with rations before? That was the challenge set recently for Year 6! Pupils were given a ration cook book and asked to see what they could whip up with the rations they would have received during the war….

Abbot’s Hill donates excess food to homeless shelter

11th January 2021

Like so many schools across the country, the last minute closure on Monday meant that there were far fewer people on-site that expected. Nevertheless, our fantastic food team were able to divert much of the fresh food ordered across the week to ensure that it was used and not wasted. ‘Fortunately, our food is ordered…